Worship Song: Way Maker – Leeland ⬅️ Click link to listen
Reading: Mark 4:26-29
Devotional: The parable of the growing seed teaches us a profound lesson about faith and patience in our spiritual growth. Just as the farmer plants the seed and waits, trusting in the natural process of growth, we too must learn to trust God's process in our lives.
Often, we try to force our own growth or become impatient when we don't see immediate results. But God's work in us is often unseen, happening beneath the surface. Our role is to create the right conditions - through prayer, studying Scripture, and obedience - and then trust God to bring about the growth.
Reflection: In what areas of your life do you need to trust God's timing and process more?
3-Step Application:
Identify one area where you've been trying to force growth.
Surrender it to God in prayer.
Commit to daily Scripture reading and prayer to cultivate patience.
Closing Prayer: Lord, help me to trust Your process and be patient as You work in my life. Grow my faith and deepen my trust in You. Amen.
*Missed the teaching on Growth? Click on the link to tie the message and devotion together. https://youtu.be/ER1hWtmxKQY